Your Enemies Will Cower before You
(Deut. 33:29)

The Israelites were the happy people as they were chosen by God. We cannot find the real happiness in the world. We can enjoy the real happiness when we become the children of God by accepting Jesus as our Savior, who saved us from our sins and freed us from the curses.

1. God’s people, Israel
The Israelites were the chosen people of God. The Bible says, “Blessed are you, O Israel!” (Deut 33:29a) It was not because they were outnumbered or outperformed but because God unilaterally chose, loved, and blessed them. After the New Testament period, those who believe in Jesus are the spiritual Israelites and thus are given the same blessing. The Christians are the happy people. This happiness is related to the fact that everything goes well, and it comes from heaven. Therefore, we should give thanks to God as we are given heavenly happiness and confess that we are happy people.

2. God being our shield and our sword
We are happy because God, our shield and sword, protects and guides us. (Deut 33:29b) After the Israelites escaped from Egypt, God became their shield and sword and protected them with clouds during the days and with fire at nights. When unbelievers are in troubles, they are depressed and dismayed because they don’t have anyone to depend on. However, we have our good God, who becomes our shield and sword and who is Almighty and good. David confessed, “The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusts in him, and I am helped.” (Ps 28:7) Therefore, we should put our trust into the Lord whatever we do.

3. Blessings God has prepared
God allows us to gain victories against our enemies. (Deut 33:29c) God punished all the Egyptian soldiers chasing after the Israelites at the Red Sea. We face our enemies when we live our days. However, when we are surrounded and attacked by countless enemies, we can win over them once we depend on God. God who has unlimited power and authority will fight against them instead of us. Therefore, we must pray before God when we have troubles. God has already prepared victories for us. We should become the happiest people by giving thanks and glory to God who gave us the blessing of victory.