He Has Not Left Me Alone
(Jn. 8:29)

When people are in troubles, they want others to be with them. Without anyone to support and take care of them, they feel lonely and have hard times during difficult moments. However, Christians are with Jesus, who is always with us as Emanuel. So, we are not alone even we feel alone.

1. The one who sent me is with me
The Bible says that God who created and sent us to the world is with us. (Jn 8:29a) Jesus says Jesus was not alone and was with the one who sent him. Jesus knew the goal of being sent to the world by God and his mission of becoming the witness to spread the will of God. We should have clear answers of how we’ve lived, who has led us so far, and how we should live. God has chosen us out of countless people in the world and is with us and guides us. Therefore, we should take the responsibility for completing the divine calling of God while we are living our days thereby giving glory to God.

2. What pleases the Lord
After believing in Jesus and becoming the children of God, we should do what pleases our God. (Jn 8:29b) We should think deeply over what the calling of God is. Jesus had done his best efforts only for completing the will of God and had done what pleased God. We were created to give glory to God. Therefore, we should realize the mission assigned by God and achieve the will of God. Wherever we are, we should do our best efforts to live a life with faith to satisfy God. Then, God will make our prayers answered.

3. The Lord will not leave us alone
God has not left us alone and take care of us with his love. (Jn 8:29c) We know the phrase, the lonely crowds. It means we feel alone even we are with many people. Sometimes, we are like a deer panting for water as it is thirsty. Likewise, we cry out before God as we are in troubles. (Ps 42:1) When we cry out for help, God comforts us. Therefore, we are not alone. God is with us and doesn’t forsake us when we have difficult moments. Depending on God who is with us, we can overcome various difficulties and adversity so that we can gain the victory at the end.