Those Who Hope in the Lord
(Isa. 40:27-31)

When Israelites were captives of Babylon and were in dismay, they cried out to God wholeheartedly. The lingering and prolonged Corona pandemic has led people to the depression. However, we should depend on God and cry out to God as we are children of God. Then, God will give us the new strength to overcome the hardships.

1. Crying out to God in despair
The captivity in Babylon is presented as a punishment for idolatry. They complained and cried out to God. (Isa 40:27) God didn’t let them alone and saved them. God is with us even we are in troubles, listening to our prayers. Before Jesus ascended to heaven, his disciples were terrified with Jesus being away from them. However, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit, the spirit of Jesus, to them to be with them forever. (Jn 14:16) Therefore, when we are in frustration, we should pray earnestly by depending on the Holy Spirit who is with us. Jesus will listen to us and help us.

2. Almighty God
God is everlasting, becomes our creator, and has almighty power which is unlimited. God gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak. Regarding the almighty God who saved himself and Israel, David says, “The LORD is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge. He is my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.” (Ps. 18:2) Likewise, whatever happens in any circumstances, we should give thanks and many praises to God by depending on God. Our almighty God will help and save us out of troubles.

3. God gives us new strength
Even the young can be exhausted, stumble, and fall. However, God gives the new strength like that of an eagle to those who put his or her hopes in the Lord. (Isa 40:30-31) Therefore, we should put our hope in the Lord, marching with faith despite various tribulations and adversities. God will meet our wishes with his best and renew our youth just like an eagle. (Ps. 103:5) We should welcome the Holy Spirit who walks with us every day and be empowered by the Holy Spirit thereby marching bravely with the renewed power.