God Blessed the Seventh Day
(Gen. 2:1-3)

People in the world want to receive the blessings. The true blessing must be found in God, who is the source of the blessing and our Creator. God created humans in his image and prepared the blessing for humans. Therefore, when we obey the word of God and serve God with faith, we can enjoy the true blessing of God.

1. God who rested on the seventh day
By the seventh day God had finished the work he had been doing; so on the seventh day he rested from all his work. (Gen 2:1-2) God blessed the day and made it holy. God made people not to do all work of the world on the day. (Ex. 20:10-11) God gave us the Sabbath, the seventh day for us to be healthy spiritually and physically. Even we are living with hectic schedules, we should rest on the seventh day and worship God in obedience to his command. Then, we can receive spiritual blessings and live a victorious life with strength and courage.

2. The day God blessed and sanctified
God blessed the seventh day and made it holy. (Gen 2:3a) Therefore, God blesses those who come before God on the Lord’s Day. Jesus Christ, the owner of the Sabbath was resurrected on Sunday. After His Resurrection, Sunday was held sacred as the Lord’s Day in remembrance of His Resurrection on that day. Since then, Christians have gathered on Sunday to worship our Lord. Therefore, every Sunday becomes the resting day and blessed day. We should obey the Word of God and keep Sundays holy and sacred so that we will have a blessed life.

3. The secret to being blessed
Jesus said, “Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Mt 6:33) Whatever we do, we should first seek the will of God and obey his word. We must live a God- oriented life by putting God into our priority. Then, our life will be full of blessing of God. All these blessings will come upon us and accompany us if we obey the LORD our God. (Deut 28:3-6) We should keep every word of God thereby being blessed during our days.