Yearn for the Temple of the Lord
(Ps. 84:1-4)

The real love can make us sacrifice all the things we have without saving. Jesus loved us in that way to forgive our sins and was sacrificed on the cross. After believing in Jesus and becoming the child of God, we have owed amazing grace and the debt of love to God, we should love our God passionately.

1. Faith to love the temple of the Lord
When we love God, we love the dwelling of God. The Psalmist confesses that his soul faints as he yearns so much for the dwelling of God. (Ps. 84:1-2) David, who was used by God greatly, had a hope to live in the house of God. (Ps. 27:4) The reason for aspiring for the dwelling of God is that the place is where God lives. Therefore, the confession of the Psalmist and David would be ours. When we worship and pray to God in the house of God, we will experience the amazing grace and blessings of God.

2. The blessings given to those who dwell in the temple of the Lord
The bible says that those who live in the house of God will be blessed. Just as the small creatures as sparrows and swallows are taken care of by God, we are given the blessing of God once we are living in the temple of God. (Ps 84:3-4) Jesus asks people who are weary and burdened to come to Jesus, and Jesus will give them rest. (Mt 11:28) Though in the amidst of despair and troubles, we will have the answers of God and the problems will disappear when we meet God at the dwelling place of God. Therefore, we should have a God-oriented and worship-centered life with prayers before God. Once we long for the temple of God and serve God with joy, the great blessing of God will come to us.

3. A life of praise and gratitude
God says that God created people for Himself so that they may proclaim the praise of God. (Isa 43:21) As we have been the children of God after believing in Jesus, we spend our days praising and giving thanks to God at all times. Despite any troubles and sufferings overwhelming us, let us not be dismayed and worried. Rather, we should praise God with joy and gratitude as God becomes our hope. Then, God will bless us and lead our days. Let us have the amazing blessing of God by praising and giving thanks to God during our life.