Cast Your Burden on the Lord
(Ps. 55:22)

People have small and big burdens while living. Even David, who was used greatly by God, had hardship lifting heavy burdens. David cast his cares on God whenever he was confronted with many troubles. We should put down our burdens which we cannot solve before God.

1. Cast your burden on the Lord
When David was in troubles because of unbearable burdens, he believed that the Lord will be his savior and took his burdens to the Lord. Casting worry is referring to throw something away. When we throw the small stones from the mountain we cannot find the ruins. Likewise, we should cast our anxiety onto the Lord. The bible asks us to cast all your anxiety on him because he cares for you. (1 Pe. 5:7) Therefore, we should take our worries to the Lord, who knows all our anguish and solves all the problems.

2. The Lord will sustain you
Once we cast our anxiety onto the Lord, God will sustain us as well as lift the burdens. (PS. 55:22b) The word “sustain” means “to support, to nourish.” Likewise, God is with us all the time, providing us with spiritual nutrients and becoming our supporter. No one can beat us as God is our side. (Ps. 118:6) Therefore, we don’t have to be worried and should depend on God wholeheartedly. Then, God will protect us whatever happens.

3. The Lord will never let you shaken
He will never let the righteous fall. (Ps. 55:22c) Satan plants worry, anxiety, and cares in our hearts to shake our faith. When the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour, we should make our faith strong and fight against it. We should not be shaken by any spiritual challenges. We should march forward by holding the Word of God’s promises. When we fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, Jesus will make our life strong and unshakable, leading us to the way of blessing.