We Overwhelmingly Conquer
(Rom. 8:35?39)

Prolonged COVID?19 pandemic causes people to feel depressed in despair. Frustration makes us fall into temptation and dismayed. Confronted with difficulties and troubles, we should not be frustrated by holding the message of God tightly.

1. The unbreakable love of Christ
Apostle Paul proclaimed that no one could separate us from the love of Christ. (Rom 8:35a) When we were sinners, Jesus died on the cross to save us. Thanks to the death of Jesus, we, who were once enemies of God, get reconciled with God. God proved his love toward us in Christ’s death. (Rom 5:6-8) Jesus loves us in that way so no hardship or persecution can separate us from the love of Jesus. Even the world gives up on us, Jesus will love us forever.

2. The tribulation coming to us
Living our days, regardless of our wills, we encounter hardship, trouble, persecution, famine, and threat. (Rom 8:35b) Because of spreading the Gospel, Paul was sent to prison and lashed a lot so that he took a lot of risks of losing his life. He also starved countless times and shivered from the cold. (2 Cor. 11:23-27) Even in such circumstances, he overcame these difficulties by holding Jesus tightly. Likewise, when we are in trouble, we should not be frustrated and dismayed. We should hold Jesus tightly who loves us endlessly.

3. The victory the Lord has given us
We will become more than conquerors despite various hardships and troubles as Jesus loves us. (Rom 8:37) Being more than conquerors means that we win the war and gain an outright victory. Sometimes we fall down and feel depressed as we are weak. However, we should stand firm on the word of Jesus with our eyes looking at the cross of Jesus. Then, the love of Jesus enables us to overcome depression and to gain victory. With the faith that Jesus makes us conquerors, we should always become victorious.