Choice and Decision
(Jos. 24:14?18)

Our life depends on our choice and decision. Sometimes, one wrong choice and decision led us to have irreversible outcomes with various problems and damage in our life. As children of God, we should wise enough to make a choice to please God during our life.

1. The wrong choice and decision
God commanded the Israelites not to worship the idols. In fact, God warned them of being perished if they would worship the idols. (Jos. 23:16) Whenever the Israelites disobeyed the order of God and worshipped the idols, God judged them. (Jdg. 2:13?15) We should look at ourselves to see if we are worshipping the idols. The idols include money, power, arrogance, and the things that we love more than God. We should break down the idols we love. When we make a wrong choice of worshipping the idols, we are inevitably judged by God, facing sever adversity and troubles.

2. The right choice and decision
Joshua forced the Israelites to abolish the idols they had served and told them to serve the only God. (Jos. 24:14) The righteous attitude of our faith is to serve our God only and live a life to please God. We should exert our earnest efforts to make a right choice and decision before God. When we have critical moments of life to make a choice and decision for having job or being married, we should consider the standard and view of God rather than those of ours. Then, God will take care of our life and lead us to the best results.

3. The life of perfect service
The Israelites promised to serve God only before Joshua. They made a covenant with God, setting the decrees and laws to act the words of God into practice. (Jos. 24:24?25) The mature Christians do their best to practice the word of God. In the early church, there were small and big troubles caused by the Christians who did not obey the word of God. James pointed out that the faith without action is dead faith without bearing any meaningful fruit. (Jas. 2:15?17) Our faith should bring about actions to practice the word of God so that we are transformed. Let us serve our God with joy and be used as the precious man of God.