Those Who Are Loved by God
(1Th. 1:2?7)

The Thessalonian church was filled with the love of God and overcame all tribulations. Eventually, it had grown a lot and become a model to all the believers not only in Macedonia and Achaia but also in the whole region. What is the secret of the church to please God?

1. A person for whom we thank God
The Thessalonian church members were persecuted and had a lot of hardships. However, they didn’t lose the work produced by faith, the labor prompted by love, and the endurance inspired by hope. Paul remembered their mature faith and always thanked and prayed to God for them. (1 Th. 1:2?3) Our faith should be filled with faith, hope, and love. By doing so, we should live a life full of gratitude to God. When we stand firm on the word of God and live with gratitude, God will lead our life to grace, blessings, victory, and miracles.

2. A person full of the Holy Spirit
The secret of the Thessalonian church growth lies in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. We should preach the gospel not simply with words, but also with power, with the Holy Spirit and with deep conviction. (1 Th. 1:5?6) The key to victorious life in faith as well as church growth is related to the fullness of the Holy Spirit. When the word of God was proclaimed in the valley full of dry bones, the wind of the Holy Spirit blew. Then, many bones came to life and turned into the great army of God. (Ezek. 37:10) The wind of the Holy Spirit should blow to our life and faith. When we receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit, all the problems of life will be gone by the work of the Holy Spirit.

3. A person who influences for good
The Thessalonian church set a good example. Despite the persecutions from Jews and the Roman empire, the church was not frustrated because of peace and comfort coming from the Holy Spirit thereby keeping their faith strong. (1 Th. 1:6) Even though the church with its members was in troubles, it served God with joy, so that the church could spread good influences nearby as they had been always with the Holy Spirit. Likewise, we should be filled with the words of God and receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit so that we resemble Jesus by practicing the words of God. Let us set a good example as mature Christians through our good impacts on others and give glory to God.