The Holy Spirit Helps Us in Our Weakness
(Rom. 8:26?27)

Many people in the world are suffering from COVID-19, poverty, disasters, and wars. People who don't have others whom they depend on, or they receive comfort from, are frustrated and distressed, feeling alone. We, the children of God, should depend on the Holy Spirit, who intercedes for and help us.

1. The whole world is suffering
People in the world are under troubles because our ancestors, Adam and Eve, had committed sins against God. As a result of the sin, our environment is cursed enough to produce thorns and thistles and our body is exposed to various diseases and death. (Gen 3:18-19) Therefore, the only hope for the world is Jesus Christ who is the way, the truth, and the life. Even after believing in Jesus, we are conflicting against our old inner being, who was sinful as we are still weak. We should overcome the tensions against our old inner being with the power of the precious blood of Jesus. We should get rid of negative thought coming from the Satan with the power of the blood of Jesus. We should keep marching bravely with absolute faith based on giving thanks to God in any time.

2. The Holy Spirit who helps us
When the risen Jesus ascended to heaven, Jesus promised to send the Holy Spirit to his disciples. Jesus told them that the Holy Spirit would be with them forever. (Jn 14:16) Once we become the children of God, the Holy Spirit remains in us and leads us to the way of truth and righteousness. The Holy Spirit doesn’t let us be alone and is always with us and helps us. (Rom 8:26) Therefore, we should recognize, welcome, and accept the Holy Spirit every day. Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, the Holy Spirit who intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express will lead us to victory at the end.

3. The Holy Spirit who intercedes for us
The problems come to our life when we are not listening to God and living with our own wills. When we walk in the wrong ways, the Holy Spirit who dwells in us intercedes for us so that we may live according to the will of the Lord. (Rom 8:27) Therefore, we should be sensitive enough to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit. We should live with the Holy Spirit by prayers, words of God, praises toward God, and gratitude so that the Holy Spirit helps us. Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, our soul, surroundings, and health will be blessed a lot at the end.