We Rejoice in Our Sufferings
(Rom. 5:3?5)

No one can avoid sufferings in the world. Everyone will face small or big troubles. For Christians, suffering is not a calamity but a tool of blessing that moves us toward a better future. How do we handle it once the hardship comes into our life?

1. Rejoice in sufferings
The mature Christians can rejoice despite the sufferings of their life (Rom 5:3a). People in the world tend to be frustrated once sufferings overwhelm them. However, we are with Jesus, who overcame the world as we are the children of God. (Jn 16:33) Therefore, whichever problems come to us, we should not give up and be positive. When we are in trouble, we should make our hearts strong, looking at the blessing of God. Then, we will live a positive life in the midst of hardships.

2. Learn to be patient and refined
We know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character (Rom 5:3b-4) The test of suffering makes us trained persistent and patient enough to get through various hardships. God promised to give the crown of life for those who endure sufferings. (Jas 1:12) Even Joseph endured a lot of hardships for 13 years in Egypt until he was used by God. He was able to become the prime minister of the superpower nation at that time as he was trained a lot with various hardships. Through the troubles, we become mature Christians and transformed to resemble Jesus, and receive a lot of blessing of God.

3. Produce hope
Perseverance produces character; and character, hope. (Rom 5:4b-5) When we are prepared to be used by the Lord through patience and refinement, the Lord helps us to achieve our dreams and hope. Job was transformed to have genuine faith like gold after overcoming a series of sufferings. Moreover, God blessed Job more than before. (Jb 23:10) In the time of suffering, we should have a holy vision in the Lord, thereby achieving our hope through perseverance and refinement.