A Person with Whom God Is
(Gen. 39:1?3)

The representative person who pleased God and acknowledged by God in the Bible is Joseph. He didn't forget who he was and what he lived for. The most important thing in his life was that he had been always with God. Living with God is the most precious to us as we believe in God.

1. Joseph, the dreamer
Joseph had a dream of becoming a great person. Joseph’s elder brothers hated him as he was possessed by a great dream, so they plotted to kill him. (Gen 37:5?8) People in the world cannot understand those who have dreams thereby becoming jealous and hurting them. No one can hinder dreaming people from achieving their dreams. Have a great dream in God. That holy dream leads your life and future with the provision of God. In any case, hold your holy dream tightly and keep marching forward. God will make your dream come true.

2. Joseph who overcame adversity
Because of his dream, Joseph had various hardships and difficulties. However, he overcame his adversities as he was with God. (Gen 39:2?3) He was disliked by his brothers, sold as the slave, and sent to Egypt, and falsely accused, and sent to the prison. However, God was always with him and blessed him even he was in the troubles. When he was a slave, he became the chief servant of the General Potiphar. When he was in the prison, he was taking care of all kinds of administrative matters related to the prison. Whatever happens, we should not give up our dreams. We should depend on Jesus to overcome hardships thereby being blessed.

3. Joseph, the man of forgiveness and tolerance
Joseph was the man of forgiveness and tolerance. (Gen 50:19?21) He interpreted the dreams of the officer, who was a chief cupbearer, when Joseph was in the prison. Unfortunately for Joseph, when the cupbearer was restored, he did not remember Joseph. After two years had passed, Joseph had a chance of interpreting Pharaoh’s dream. Eventually, he became a prime minster of Egypt. However, he didn’t punish the cupbearer. Furthermore, he didn’t harm his brothers who sold him to Egyptian merchants. The man of dreaming will not be possessed by the bitter past. Rather, the man who dreams a holy dream can forgive others and become generous to resemble Jesus. We must be with God like Joseph did. Live a great man of achieving your mission.