Why Are You Crying? Who Are You Looking for?
(John 20:11?16)

Jesus Christ overcame the power of sin and death and was resurrected. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the greatest miracle, blessing and grace. Thanks to Jesus’ death on the cross, the way to receive salvation and to have eternal life has been opened to people who live in sin.

1. A crying person
The first person that realized the resurrection of Jesus was Mary. Jesus was the savior of her life and gave her absolute hope. When she was possessed by seven evil spirits and despised by the people, Jesus cast out the evil spirits from her so that she could be renewed. It was her greatest misery that Jesus whom she depended on so much was dead. She was so shocked and frustrated. Without Jesus, we should be in despair. People in the world tend to lose hope, giving up their life when extremely frustrated before frustration. However, for us, despair is not the end. The risen Jesus is with us all the time. So, the dawn of hope will come after the nights of despair.

2. Who are you looking for?
When Mary wept before the empty tomb, Jesus appeared. Jesus asked her why she was crying and who she was looking for. Jesus comes to us who are suffering from the problems of family, business and human relationships and asks us who we are looking for. When we are in despair, Jesus comes to us as the key to our problems. However, Mary had not realized Jesus at first as she was blinded because of sorrows and depression. Likewise, when we are spiritually blinded, we cannot see Jesus before us. We should listen to the voice of Jesus by being awaken spiritually. Come before Jesus and put down your heavy burdens. You will be free from all your problems thereby enjoying the amazing grace of Jesus.

3. Jesus calls us
When the resurrected Jesus called the name of Mary, her spiritual eyes were opened. (Jn 20:16) When we are crying because of frustrations, sorrows, and depression, Jesus calls our names. Jesus knows us best and tells us “You are mine. Don’t be afraid.” (Isa 43:1) Once Mary heard the voice of Jesus, she shouted, “Rabboni!” (which means Teacher). She confessed that she would follow Jesus by being devoted as Jesus became her lord, power, hope, joy, and resurrection. At that moment, Jesus commanded her to go and tell the disciples the good news of the resurrection. Today, the risen Jesus commands us to become the witness of the gospel. According to the mission given by Jesus, we should spread the love of Jesus and the hope to the people who are isolated and depressed in the troubles.