Only by Faith
(Heb 11:1-6)

The secret of a victorious life of faith in the Lord is to have absolute positive faith, be filled with both the Word of God and fullness of the Holy Spirit, and live a life of prayer and gratitude. The most important thing in the Christian life is to live as a man of faith.

1. Faith has vision
Faith is to believe something we dream of as if it had already come true. (Heb 11:1-2) We cannot achieve the holy dream given by God if we only look at visible things. When our spiritual eyes are open, we can experience the invisible God who works for us. Joseph held the holy dream given by God with strong faith. He was sold as a slave and sent to Egypt because of jealousy of his brothers. He was falsely accused, so that he was sent into a prison. Nevertheless, he didn’t give up his dream and kept looking at God. Finally, God fulfilled Joseph’s dream in an amazing way and accomplished the work of salvation through him. Like Joseph, we must hold onto the dream God has given us and live by faith. Then, God will do amazing things through our dreams.

2. Faith is based on the Word
God created the universe with His word. Through the word of God, the greatness of God will work. (Heb 11:3) The work of faith will be done through the Word of God. Therefore, we should be filled with the Word of God to become the man of faith. When we meditate on the Word of God days and nights, we can live a blessed life. Holding the Word of God is the same as holding Jesus. When we are filled with the Word of God, the power and the grace of Jesus overflows into our life. When we have difficulties and hardships, let us not be frustrated and depressed. Instead, we should be bold with holding the Word of God. Then, God is with us and protects our ways of life.

3. Faith pleases God
Faith enables us to live to please God. (Heb 11:6) Enoch was acknowledged as a man who pleased God as he lived with his faith. He walked with God all the time and he ascended to heaven without seeing death. Like Enoch, we should live with God by depending on the will of God. We should believe that God will award to those who seek for God. The biggest award is to meet God personally. God sent the Holy Spirit for us to be accompanied with God. When we welcome the Holy Spirit in our heart, the Holy Spirit gives us power to overcome difficulties and troubles. We will receive God’s blessings by living a life to be with God and obey the Word of God.