The Church Built on the Rock
(Matt 16:18-19)

This Sunday marks the 64th anniversary of our church establishment. Church is the ark of the salvation and the pathway of the blessing of God. Moreover, church serves as the place where we worship our Lord, is the temple of prayers, and the mission center spreading the Gospel all over the world. We should not leave from church and be more dedicated to loving our church faithfully and sincerely.

1. The church whose head Is Jesus Christ
The base of the church is Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ is the head of church and church is the body of Jesus. As Jesus is the head of church, Jesus is worthy of being praised. We should not be the head of church. We should be humble to serve church. Jesus prayed hard so that the people of God should be united in God. (Jn 17:11) Being one is done by the work of God while the separation becomes the work of evil spirits. Therefore, we should be united in the Holy Spirit to serve Jesus. Then, the church will grow, and we will become the mature Christians.

2. The church built as a house of prayer
Jesus said that the temple of God should be the house of prayers. (Mt 21:13) The reason we face various difficulties and hardships is we are lacking prayers. When we are dull and powerless in prayers, evil spirits come to us for attacks. We should pray to live a victorious life of faith and to put our earnest efforts in spreading Gospel and being united in the Holy Spirit. During his public ministry, Jesus spent most of his time praying. We should resemble Jesus. We should become the soldiers of prayers. God will show us the amazing miracles.

3. The church the Lord protects
When we are united in the Holy Spirit and pray to God, the Lord protects us and solves the matters of life. Jesus says that the gates of Hades will not overcome the church. (Mt. 16:18) No evil spirt can beat church. The power of the Satan was perished once Jesus said it was done on the cross. What brings us worries, anxiety, and agony is the evil spirits. We must always be filled with the Holy Spirit to overcome the Satan and live a victorious life. God has protected our church for 64 years. We should stand firm on the word of God in the church God has protected so that we can be united in the Holy Spirit thereby enjoying the overflowing grace of God.