We Will Surely Overcome It
(Num. 13:30?33)

Before the Israelites entered Canaan, twelve spies were sent to explore the land. Only Caleb and Joshua reported positively while other ten spies reported negatively. God saw their faith and allowed them to enter Canaan but for others. We should learn important lesson from the case.

1. A positive report
Caleb and Joshua said that they could go up and take possession of the land. Also, they said that the Lord was pleased with us, he would lead us into that land. They reported positively (Num. 13:30; 14:7-8) because they looked at God and saw their surroundings with positive faith. We should have positive faith by looking at the cross which Jesus achieved the salvation on. The cross of Jesus had enough power to overcome the sins, poverty, curses, deceases, and death. Regardless any hardships and difficulties happening in our life, we should hold the cross of Jesus tightly and march forward with absolutely positive faith and gratitude.

2. A negative report
The other 10 spies but for Caleb and Joshua reported negatively, saying the land would devour those living in it and all the people there were of great size so that they thought they were like grasshoppers. That night all the people of the community raised their voices and wept aloud. Even the Israelites grumbled against Moses and Aaron, and the whole assembly said they wanted to go to Egypt where they had lived as slaves for 430 years. It was right before the entrance of the promised land that they said negatively. We should be awake not to return the old inner being who were captured negative thoughts. When we start thinking negatively, we should pray hard before God. The power of God drives out our negative thoughts and help us live successful life in the Lord.

3. The leader who prayed to God
Moses and Aaron knelt before God and prayed hard for the people who grumbled against them. God listened to the prayers of Moses. God forgave the sins of the Israelites, who were filled with sins of complaints and grumbles. (Num 14:19-20) When we have troubles, we should pray first. Complaints and grumbles lead us to frustrations. With holding the words of God despite of difficult moments, we will experience the amazing grace of God. Be the man of being positive and always giving thanks to God. You will enjoy the prepared blessing of God in the end.