Our Eyes Are upon You Alone
(2 Chr. 20:12?13)

Living our lives, we face various difficulties that we cannot handle. At this moment, we should look upon the Lord alone, who is the key to solutions instead of being frustrated by looking at the problems.

1. The attack of the allied forces
When the spiritual revival occurred due to the brave reformation lead by the King Jehoshaphat, the Moabites and Ammonites with some of the Meunites invaded Judah. (2 Chr. 20:1?2) The demons attack those who live with the will of God. Let us not be afraid of any demons or attacks in our life. Our God, the King of kings is with us. Let us fix our eyes onto God, not looking at the problems, crying out for the help. God will listen to us and give us answer.

2. Jehoshaphat who prayed to God
When the King, Jehoshaphat heard the news and felt afraid, he proclaimed the fast before the people to seek for the help of God. (2 Chr. 20:3?4) People in the world spread the negative words to make others feel afraid and depressed in the time of adversities and hardships. On the contrary, the Christians should kneel down before God to pray and encourage others with positive words. In any situations, we should not listen to the negative words of the world. We should listen to Jesus carefully as Jesus becomes our real hope and ask for his help. Jesus sets us free from all the chains and oppressions.

3. Faith looking upon the Lord alone
The King, Jehoshaphat didn’t look at depressing conditions and enemies. Instead, he looked at God. All Judah people followed him, asking for help of God desperately. (2 Chr 20:12?13) When we pray sincerely before God, who is full of love and almighty power, God gives us his mercy. Therefore, we should cry out before God whatever happens. Jesus will show us his amazing miracles. Let us fix our eyes onto God to enjoy the grace and blessing of God abundantly.