The Lord Who Lights My Lamp
(Ps. 18:27?30)

Psalm 18 was confessed by David when he was lifted by God against the enemies including Saul. It is clear that we face small and big troubles while living our lives. We should not be frustrated by any troubles and hardships which come to our life. We should depend on God and live a life of praising him and giving thanks to him.

1. God who saves the afflicted
God gives his mercy and saves his people who are in trouble. (Ps. 18:27) David, who was greatly used by God, had series of difficulties in his life. He humbly sought for the help of God by believing that God would save him out of the hands of enemies. Adversity drives us to frustrations but we can lower ourselves and be humble to look for God. God lifts the lowered and humble, giving his grace. We should come before God, seeking for the helping hands of God. Then, God will save us out of all kinds of troubles and difficulties.

2. The Lord who lights my lamp
David praised God as God kept his lamp burning and turned his darkness into light. (Ps. 18:28) After David killed the Giant, Goliath and was praised a lot by people, King Saul was jealous enough to try to kill David. David cried out for help before God in extreme hardships. God light the light of salvation into David. He overcame extreme fear even he walked through the valley of death as he believed that God was always with him. (Ps. 23:4) When we are in the time of hardships and tribulations, we should depend on God completely and cry out for help. God will keep our lamp burning for giving us hope and life to our hearts filled with darkness.

3. Faith relying on the Lord
David depended on God when he fought against Goliath. (Ps. 18:29) Facing our fears and problems, we should depend on God with our faith. We should defeat the enemies in the name of God, jumping over the obstacles before us. God will give us new strength and power, leading us to victory. (Ps. 18:32-33) We should be the victors by winning over the troubles and hardships with the strong faith of depending on God.