Put My Tears in Your Bottle
(Ps. 56:8?13)

Before we believed in Jesus, we shed our tears because of troubles, sorrow, and solitude. However, our tears should turn into those of joy, gratitude, and repentance after believing in Jesus.

1. When I suffer in the world
While we face a lot of troubles in our life, we should pray hard before God. David had faced series of hardships during his life. He prayed to God, “List my tears on your scroll” in the midst of suffering. (Ps. 56:8) When we have hard times, we should restore the prayers with tears. Jesus is our Lord and is always with us. We should depend on God, praying hard so that Jesus will give us mercy and wipe out our tears.

2. God on my side
When we depend on God wholeheartedly, God on our side helps us. (Ps. 56:9) Nothing in the world can help us solve the matter of sorrows and adversities. Jesus comforts us, healing our wounded heart and fighting against our foes when we seek for Jesus. We should make the world know that God is with us through prayer answers. Abimelech called Isaac a blessed man as Isaac was blessed by God even Abimelech persecuted Isaac. (Gen. 26:28-29) Likewise, we should enjoy the blessing of God so that we can make the world know the living God.

3. Praise God’s word
The Word of God becomes the power, the life, the blessing, the miracle, and the guidance of our life. (Ps. 119: 105) We should meditate the Word of God, praising and obeying the Word of God. Don’t listen to the voice of the world and people. Rather, we should listen to the Word of God. Despite various hardships and difficulties happening in our life, we should pray hard depending on the Word of God. Then, God solves our problems, leading us to the best way. God becomes our absolute hope. Therefore, we should keep giving thanks to and praising God during our life so that we should always live by God.