His Hands Remained Steady
(Ex. 17:8?13)

While we are living, a lot of troubles and tribulations come to us. When they are in trouble, those who don’t believe in God tend to fill their minds with the things in the world or choose an extreme choice. However, the children of God should pray before God when difficulties and adversities come.

1. The Amalekites who attack us
When the Israelites got to Rephidim after they had escaped from Egypt, they started grumbling against Moses as they didn’t find water to drink. (Ex. 17:3) As soon as they complained, the Amalekites attacked them. Our complaints and grumbles become the pathway which demons use for attacking us. When we pour out negative words and complaints, the demons bring us curses, diseases, pains, and frustrations. Todays, the Amalekites are the troubles related to material things, avarice, children, arrogance, and stubbornness. When Amalekites attack us, pray hard. Then, God will make you win over the enemies.

2. The great power of prayer
When the war against the Amalekites started, Joshua fought against the enemies at the battlefield while Moses was praying hard at the mountain. (Ex. 17:10-11) When Moses lifted his hands up, the Israelites were winning. On the contrary, the Amalekites were winning when the hands of Moses were lowered. The outcome of the war depends on God, not on humans. When we put our trust in God and pray hard, the devil is driven out and the problems are solved. Even more, our diseases are cured and miracles happen. When Moses grew tired and his hands were lowered, Aaron and Hur prayed with supporting the hands of Moses. (Ex. 17:12-13) We feel tired when praying alone. That’s why we need the supporters of prayers. When we pray together, the amazing miracle of God will happen.

3. The victory of prayer
When Moses, Aaron, and Hur prayed altogether, God allowed the Israelites to gain a victory. After the victory, Moses set an alter and praise God who became the banner for them. (Ex. 17:14-16) When God is with us, we will win against all enemies. The secret to the victory is prayer. Pray hard in any situations. God will listen to us and defeat the Amalekites who bother us. Lifting your hands up to pray hard before God, you will live a victorious life thereby praising God, Jehovahnissi.