God Who Satisfies the Thirsty
(Ps. 107:4-9)

Water becomes the life to all creatures. We need spiritual water to live as faithful Christians. Once we come to the Lord, who becomes the source of living water, Jesus understands our problems, filling us with the good solutions.

1. God who delivers us from our distress
When we cry out before God in troubles, God is listening to us and saving us from the adversities. (Ps. 107:6) Hardships are the training tools for God to use for making us humble. We realize how much we are weak through hardships so that we can obey God. When we are in troubles and have lots of problems in our life, we should kneel humbly before God to seek for the help of God. When we cry out before God, who is the key to the solutions, God will save us from frustrations and pains.

2. God who leads us by a straight way
Adversities are allowed by God as God wants us to lead us to the right direction. (Ps. 107:7) God had led the Israelites for 40 years in the desert and allowed them to enter the land of Canaan. The Israelites realized their sins and faults, repenting their sins and praising God for the grace and protection of God. We should take our ways of life to God. When we live with God, God will lead us to the right way, giving us abundant grace.

3. God who satisfies the thirsty
God fills those who are looking for God eagerly with good things. (Ps 107:8-9). God gives bountiful grace to those who are thirsty and hungry spiritually while lowering the arrogant. We tend to grumble and complain easily because of trivial troubles and difficulties. At those times, we should be humble and depend on God, giving thanks to the grace of God. When we give thanks to God, God will show us his amazing grace and miracles. We should desire God at all time and give absolute thanks to God so that we can enjoy overflowing grace of God.