Do You See Anything?
(Mk. 8:22-25)

There are three types of eyes we have. There are physical eyes to see the world; the emotional eyes to see and read human thoughts the spiritual eyes to see God. As Christian, we should see God through our spiritual eyes while living our days.

1. Am I not a blind man?
Even we have normal eyes, we can be the blind spiritually unless we know about God. Or if we cannot understand others as we are selfish, we can be emotionally blind. When Jesus healed the blind at Bethsaida, the Pharisees criticized Jesus, not believing in Jesus. The blind who believed in God was able to be healed as he believed in Jesus while the Pharisees became emotionally and spiritually blind only to nail Jesus on the cross. Today many people open their eyes physically but go blind emotionally and spiritually. However, we are reborn by believing in Jesus so that we should open our eyes of spirit, soul, and love.

2. Jesus who opened the eyes of the blind man
When Jesus had spit on the man's eyes and put his hands on him, the blind could see. (Mk 8:23) It was common to spread spit on the wounded body part as it was a kind of home remedy. Other people couldn’t cure the man in this way but Jesus did. Jesus allowed the frustrated blind man to experience the miracle as Jesus cherished the man. Likewise, Jesus loves each of us, cherishing us a lot. Therefore, come before Jesus even if you are in the frustrating and depressing moments. Jesus will put his hands on us and bring about amazing miracle.

3. Do you see anything?
The blind man was not able to see everything clearly. When Jesus asked him if the blind man could see anything, he answered that he could see people like trees walking around. (Mk 8:24) Once more Jesus put his hands on the man's eyes. Then his eyes were opened, his sight was restored, and he saw everything clearly. It goes same to our faith. At first, we cannot understand what faith in Jesus is and what everything in the Bible means exactly. That is why we should put our efforts in praying, meditating the words of God, and growing in Jesus day by day. By doing so, our spiritual eyes are opened to see and judge everything in a right way. Opening our spiritual eyes and becoming a mature Christian, we should give glory to God.