My Beloved Son in Whom I Delight
(Mt. 3:16-17)
Nothing in this world gives us true satisfaction and joy in our lives. The joys and pleasures of the world are fleeting, but the joys and comforts of the Lord are eternal. True happiness can only be obtained in Jesus

1. The descending of the Holy Spirit
The life of Jesus had been with the Holy Spirit. Jesus was born with the Holy Spirit. When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit came. When Jesus prayed for 40 days with fasting in the desert, Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit. During his public life, Jesus was full of the power of the Holy Spirit to achieve the missions. Jesus did all good deeds and healed many people oppressed by demons. (Ac. 10:38) Before ascending, Jesus asked his disciples to be filled with the Holy Spirit, which was the last order of Jesus given to his disciples. Not being filled with the Holy Spirit, we become powerless by living without God. Therefore, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit to gain victories as Christians. Eventually, our life will reap the meaningful fruits of the Holy Spirit and live a life of resembling Jesus thereby transforming our personalities to become mature Christians.

2. The coming of the voice of God
As soon as Jesus was baptized, a voice from heaven said, "This is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased." (Mt. 3:17) Also, when Jesus climbed up a high mountain, God said in the same way. (Mt. 17:5) Jesus is the loved son of God, who is also well pleased with Jesus. Therefore, we should obey the words of Jesus and follow Jesus. To do this, we should fill ourselves with the love of Jesus. God got his one and only son, Jesus to be sacrificed on the cross to save us, who are very sinful. After we believe in Jesus thanks to the devotion and love of Jesus, we become the blessed children of God. God loves us forever so that we can be brave despite various hardships and sufferings. Experiencing everlasting love of God every day, we will not only be loved by God but please God during our life.