The Man Who Trusts in God
(Jer 17:7-8)

It is said that man is the lord of creation. At the same time man is vulnerable. People in the world depend on every idol to get blessed but gain nothing from that. We as Christians who believe in Jesus, should trust in the Lord who becomes the only source of peace and blessings.

1. The life of man without God

The man who trusts in himself or herself will be cursed and live as the bush in the desert without hope. (Jer. 17:5-6) As Adam and Eve disobeyed God and committed sins, environmental curses, diseases, and death has come to humans. The people living without God will confront these frustrations including poverty, curses, diseases, and depression. We should return to God and live with God. Then, we can be free from coming every curse thereby owning transformed and blessed life.

2. The life of man depending on God

The prophet, Jeremiah said that the man who trusts in God will be blessed. The bible says, “But blessed is the man who trusts in the LORD, whose confidence is in him.” (Jer. 17:7) God becomes the source of blessings. God will fill those who look for God with his good things abundantly. Therefore, we should depend on God in any situations rather than rest on the world. When we have God-oriented life, seeking for His righteousness and Kingdom, God will bless us.

3. The blessings of man who trusts in God

God blesses the man depending on God to be a tree planted by the water. (Jer. 17:8) The tree sends out its roots by the stream so that it can bear fruits despite hot waves or droughts. Likewise, we should send out our roots by the stream of the Word of God so that we can bear productive fruits in spite of adversity and hardships. Therefore, we should be guided by the Word of God and be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Standing firm on the Word of God, we can overcome any difficulties and suffering with strong faith thereby gaining victories. By trusting in God during our life, let us become the blessed tree planted by the water.