I Come in the Name of God
(1Sa. 17:45-47)

One of the most touching stories in the Bible is the story of the young boy, David, who defeated Goliath. He was not afraid of the giant, confronting him only with a small stone to gain the victory. When Goliath-like problems come to us, how can we overcome them?

1. Goliath who appeared before us
When Saul was the king, Philistines who were with Goliath attacked the Israelites. Goliath was 3 meters high, and his armors weighed 60kg. Furthermore, the iron point of his spear weighed 7kg. (1Sam. 17:4-7) When Goliath appeared, the king Saul and all Israel soldiers were terrified, running away. Frequently, the unexpected Goliath comes to our life and hinder us. Covid-19, natural disasters, and diseases, which are like Goliath, give us fear, anxiety, and worries, which drive us to be collapsed. Therefore, we should keep our heart strong and fix our eyes onto God, who can solve all problems in our life. God will give us power and strength so that we can find the real peace.

2. The faith of the boy David
The young David was not fearful of the giant. He was brave enough to stand before the giant, who insulted the soldiers of living God. Just as he defeated the lions and bears to protect his sheep in the open fields as he had been with God, he depended on the Almighty God to fight against Goliath. When we come against our problems in the name of God, God will save us from the troubles. Therefore, we should depend on God and be brave. God is with us, giving us power to come against any enemies.

3. David who defeated Goliath
In the eyes of humans, it was not possible for David to defeat the giant. However, God was with David behind of him. When David threw the stone, it hit the forehead of the giant and Goliath collapsed in the ground. We cannot overcome the giant with human power. On the contrary, we will be more than a conqueror once we are with Almighty God. (1Sam. 17:45) No matter how hard our life is, do not be terrified but defeat Goliath who hinders before us with the Word of God. Holding the promised words of God with faith, we can defeat all Goliaths in our life and gain victories in the name of our God.