When the Lord Calls me
(1 Sam 3:8-11)

As we are the new creatures in Jesus, we should live righteously, meaningfully, rewardingly, and happily even we live only a day. We should not be stuck in the bitter wounds of our past. Rather, we should march forward with faith.

1. God who called Samuel
During the time of Eli, when people were spiritually blind and it was rare to hear the word of God, God called the young Samuel. Eli had two sons who didn't know about God. They embezzled the offerings to God and were corrupt, committing acts of sexual immorality. Eli did not rebuke and correct his two sons, and they did not listen to his father at all. As they didn't turn away from the sins, God decided to judge them. (1 Sam 2:23-25) When we are away from God and dull to the words of God, the problems of the world come to us. Then, our minds are covered with worries and anxieties. We should try to be righteous before God, desiring to listen to the voice of God. By doing so, we are recognized by God and will be used as the servant of God.

2. Samuel in the presence of God
When the world was dark and people lost their dreams and visions since they didn't listen to the word of God, God lit the light of hope through Samuel. (Ps 18:28) Samuel grew day by day in the grace of God and his mind remained at the temple of God. When the leadership of Eli disappeared and people were in the dark, God called Samuel to light the lamp of hope. Likewise, God lights the lamp of our heart to shine over the darkness in our heart. Therefore, we should avoid places filled with sins and stands in the presence of God. Then, we will experience the grace of God's forgiving our sins and live as the true children of God.

3. God presented his will to Samuel
God prophetically foretold His judgment on Eli and his house through Samuel. The Israelites were defeated at the war against Philistines and the Ark of God was captured. The two sons of Eli died. Hearing this tragedy, Eli was dead. His daughter-in-law was dead. (1 Sam 4:10-11. 18-20) The judgement of God was extremely stringent. Therefore, when God gives us warning signs, we should repent all our sins thoroughly to return to God. When the Israelites got rid of all their idols and assembled at Mizpah to pray hard before God, God made the Philistines defeated. (1 Sam 7:3-4) Whenever the people of God ask for the help of God, God helps them as Ebenezer. Always being accompanied with, we can experience the amazing grace of God, who becomes our Ebenezer.