God’s Guidance
(Num. 9:15~17, 21~23)

While we are living our life, we get lost sometimes. Just like we use a navigation to find a way, we should fix our eyes on our almighty God, who can lead us to the right direction.

1. The cloud that covered the tabernacle
The cloud over the tabernacle represents the presence of God. When the cloud covered the tabernacle, the glory of God was abundant. (Ex. 40:34-35). When the temple of God was completely built, the place was also filled with the clouds due to the presence of God. (1 Ki. 8:10-11) We cannot overcome and gain victory in this troubled world by ourselves. We should ask for the help of God and the Holy Spirit. We should give glory to God by being filled with the Holy Spirit. By doing so, we can experience the presence of God, overcoming various hardships and eventually gaining victories in our life.

2. Jesus who opened the eyes of the blind man
The pillar of cloud during the days and the pillar of fire during nights had led the Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness. The Israelites marched when the cloud lifted from above the tabernacle and stayed when the cloud settled. (Num. 9:17, 21-22) We should follow the guidance of God as we are the people of God. Away from God, we only face sufferings and pains. Therefore, we should follow the Word of God during the days while we should follow the fire of the Holy Spirit during the nights of hardships. We should not go ahead of God. Rather, we should remain in God. God will protect us from all disasters and difficulties of our life.

3. The life that follows the command of God
At the LORD's command they encamped, and at the LORD's command they set out. They obeyed the LORD in accordance with his command through Moses. (Num. 9:23) While we are living, we should absolutely follow the Word of God. God asked Joshua, who had to conquer the Canaan, to be strong and very courageous. God told Joshua to be careful to obey all the law Moses gave him; “do not turn from it to the right or to the left, that you may be successful wherever you go.” (Jos. 1:7) Let us not be shaken by the Words of people. Listen to the voice of God. Obey the Word of God. God will bless you. Obeying God will enable your life to be filled with overflowing blessing of God