The grace of the 10 commandments (Ⅰ)
(Mt. 22:35-40)

God gave Moses the 10 commandments after the Israelites left Egypt, where they had been subjected for 430 years. Since then, the 10 Commandments have become the spiritual guidance and principles of life for Israelites.

1. The fundamental essence of the commandments
Out of the 10 commandments, the Israelites had created 613 rules during Jesus' day. A law teacher once questioned Jesus about the greatest commandment in the law(Mt. 22:36). Jesus said to the law teacher, “Love God, love your neighbor.” The essence of the Law is related to love, but this love is not human love; it is unconditional love that is based on mercy and compassion of Agape. The conflicts between family members, neighbors, and nations are caused by a lack of true love. We should repair the broken love through forgiveness and reconciliation when problems arise.

2. God, the object of our love
When we love almighty God, we can overcome the issues brought on by a lack of love. The issues in our lives will go away when we solely love God. Children in Israel are instructed to memorize the words as soon as they begin learning the language. “Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God, the Lord is one. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength.” (Dt. 6:4-5). Love God more than anything else in the world and enjoy the abundant love of God.

3. The ways of loving God
It is imperative that we love God with all of our thoughts, souls, and hearts(Mt. 22:37). The love of our God is related to the first through fourth commandments. The first is to only worship God. Serving other gods is disobeying God. The second is not to make idols for ourselves. If we love other things such as money, power, children, or ourselves than God, they become the idols we should be away from. The third is not to misuse the name of the Lord. It is because the name of God is related to the presence of God. The fourth is to observe and keep the Sabbath day holy. To live a happy and fortunate life in God, we must love our God and uphold the law.