It Is For My Peace
(Isa. 38:1-3, 17)

Everyone will eventually die. Christians must consider how to die as well as how to live.

1. King Hezekiah who was at the point of death from disease
When King Hezekiah was ill, he was informed by Isaiah that he would soon pass away from illness. (Isa. 38:1) The King had dedicated his life to serving God. Due to the Reformation, he destroyed idols and heretical temples and defeated the Assyrian Armies by completely relying on God. But this Great King was about to die. As such, the life and death of human beings is entirely up to God, so everyone lives the life given to each and dies in time. We must recognize that we are powerless before God and rely entirely on God. As if today were our final day on earth, we should exert all of our effort.

2. King Hezekiah who prayed to God
King Hezekiah prayed hard and desperately at the point of his death, crying out loudly. He was told by Isaiah that God had heard his prayer and seen his weeping. (Isa. 38:4-6) God removed his illness and even further increased his life span by 15 years. Many people today have tremendously challenging times and feel depressed. As God's children, we shouldn't wallow in grief. Instead, we must fervently seek God in prayer. God will provide us with solutions, wiping away our tears and rescuing us from our difficulties.

3. God who gave peace
King Hezekiah expressed his gratitude to God, confessing that he had to go through such suffering for his own good because God's love had delivered him from the abyss of catastrophe. (Isa. 38:17) God allows us to experience hardships so that we might experience His serenity. When we pray in the midst of troubles, God provides us peace by taking away our worries, anxieties, and fears. God pardons our sins and provides us a fresh start as a result. If we wish to get genuine comfort from God, we should pray hard to him, thanking God for His mercy and grace.