Pentecostal Coming of the Holy Spirit
(Ac. 2:1-4)

The people gathered at the attic on the Pentecostal day were filled with the Holy Spirit, experiencing wondrous grace of God. The descent and work of the Holy Spirit brought about the birth of Church, opening the new age. What sort of things happened when the Holy Spirit first appeared 2,000 years ago?

1. The Holy Spirit like the wind
Wind symbolizes the spirit of God. Ezekiel saw a vision that the dried bones covering the valley were turned into the vast army once the wind entered the dried bones so that the bones could be connected and alive. (Ez. 37:9-10) Likewise, the Holy Spirit enables us to rise up even we are like the lifeless bones, giving us life from death. On the day of Pentecost, there was a powerful and violent wind when the Holy Spirit descended. (Ac. 2:2) Hatred, anxieties, and worries will vanish once the wind of the Holy Spirit blow. Our lives will be filled with an abundance of love, gratitude, and joy. We should thus usher in the breezes of the Holy Spirit for our household, our company, and our country. Then our nation will experience the incredible blessing of changing frustration into hope; death into life.

2. The Holy Spirit like the fire
Fire stands for the power, presence, and the judgement of God. When Elijah battled the prophets of Baal, the fire of heaven came down and scorched the altar. (1Kgs. 18:37-38) Likewise, the fire is the power of God, which gets rid of the sins. On the day of Pentecost, the tongues of fire descended upon each person as the Holy Spirit descended to the attic. (Ac. 2:3) One the fire-like Holy Spirit comes to us, the sins are removed and we are purified. And our love for God will be overflowing so that we might live as Jesus' witnesses. We, as the children of God, should spread the good news with the help of the Holy Spirit till the end of the world by always being with Jesus.

3. Speaking in tongues
When the disciples started speaking tongues, the confused words of humans were united to praise the Lord miraculously. The reason God gives us the tongues is for us to praise the Lord. In all we do, we should praise and thank God. The Holy Spirit joins us in prayer as we speak in tongues, which is the language of the spirit. Additionally, the tongues are the means by which we can express our thanks and adoration for God, enabling us to forge a close bond with Him. Therefore, we should strive to use tongues to the best of our abilities while being filled with the Holy Spirit. Then, the descent of the Holy Spirit will be shown in our life and our church. Let us experience the grace of the Holy Spirit every day.