Lord, Give Us Revival!
(Ac. 2:41-47)

Thanks to the descent of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost Day, the first church, the Jerusalem church was established. When Peter preached after being filled with the Holy Spirit, 3,000 people repented their sins and received Jesus as their Savior. It was the church of Jerusalem that the fullness of the Holy Spirit overflew. What was the Jerusalem church like?

1. The church full of the word of God
The church of Jerusalem was the place people aspired to listen to the Word of God and obeyed it. God will bless us throughout our lives if we heed his Word. As Joshua prepared to conquer the Canaan, God commanded Joshua to hold fast to His Word. God told Joshua to be careful to obey all law Moses gave him and not turn from it to the right or to the left, that he could be successful wherever you him. (Jos. 1:7) Likewise, we should listen to the Word of God in any situations. Then, our life will be blessed and everything will go well.

2. The church devoted to prayer
The church of Jerusalem was born by the prayers. The disciples prayed fervently as they assembled to await the Holy Spirit. Finally, the Holy Spirit as promised came, and the Jerusalem church was established. Prayers act as the spiritual breath, opening the way for both God's blessing and miraculous events. When Jesus was approached, the blind man, who was born blind, cried out in a loud voice for mercy. (Mk. 10:48) Jesus stopped walking and called him, healing the blind eyes. When we are faced with issues we are unable to handle, we should pray hard before God. When that happens, we will experience the help of God and ultimately lead successful lives.

3. The church full of love
The church of Jerusalem was full of love. The church members shared what they had with others, serving others with love. No one was starved in the church. Therefore, the church was respected by the society at that time. Jesus instructed a young, wealthy man who questioned how to obtain eternal life to sell his possessions and give the proceeds to the needy. Jesus claimed that by doing this, he would get blessings from heaven. (Mt. 19:21) Just as what Jesus had taught, we should be diligent in helping and taking care of the people in need. Putting Jesus' love into practice will transform society, and the Holy Spirit's mighty work will be seen both in our daily life and in our church.