Rise up and Walk
(Mt. 22:35~40)

The first miracle that occurred in the Jerusalem church originally appears in Acts chapter 3. The crippled man from his birth was healed and could walk. Sometimes, life's miserable circumstances leave us paralyzed. However, we should anticipate experiencing the miracle in real life.

1. People who are crippled
The crippled man sitting in front of the temple gate was in miserable situations as he couldn’t walk. There are many people who cannot walk because of depression, asking for something meaningless in the world. Eventually they fall in the reality of problems, and live the life of remaining in frustration without moving forward by themselves. However, Jesus is our only sure hope. Our search for anything vain in the world will change into a life filled with God's rich blessings if we entirely rely on Jesus.

2. The ability to make a crippled person walk
The crippled man was begging when the apostles Paul and John saw him and, in the name of Jesus, they made him walk. Love is an action rather than a word. The true Christians should support their neighbors in need and aid in their recovery from illness. God has given us the ability to overcome a variety of challenges in the name of Jesus, much like Peter and John who healed the paralyzed. Thus, we should become those who can help the crippled in the depression to walk again. God will work marvelous miracles through us when we encourage those who are afflicted by sickness, diseases, and difficulties to walk in the name of Jesus.

3. Faith to experience miracles
After being healed, the paralyzed man leaped and thanked God in the temple. Although he had never walked before, he was able to do so in Jesus' name. We should feel the Lord's grace and give thanks to him. After receiving healing, we should come to the presence of God, where God's grace and blessings abound, much like the crippled man who immediately ran to the temple. By being thankful and praising God who enables us to be saved even though we were sinners, we can experience God's wonders.