Here Comes That Dreamer!
(Ge. 37:18~20)
The book of Hebrews contains the stories of faithful ancestors and it says that faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Heb. 11:1) Likewise, faith is what we dream of and believe that it will come true. As we believe in God, we should have clear vision and the goal of life.
1. Have a holy dream
Joseph knew that God would lift him. When Joseph told his brothers what he dreamed of, the brothers hated him. They didn’t have dream and vision in their lives. Joseph, on the contrary, was motivated by the dream every day. We ought to be aware of our goals and have distinct aspirations for the future. We should not live a life without directions and goals, which is like a leaf floating on the water. Rather, we should live a meaningful and fulfilling life. Have a divine dream in God. God will use our visions for his purposes.
2. Overcome the process of hardship
Joseph faced significant hardships four times in his life. He was first taken to Egypt as a slave and sold. Second, he lived as a slave in another country. Third, he was falsely accused by Potiphar's wife and imprisoned. Fourth, he interpreted the cup bearer's dream and said he was innocent but the cup bearer abandoned him for two years. So Joseph had to be patient. Even he was in the depths, he didn’t give up his dream, focusing on God only. Don’t be frustrated. When we are patient and wait with absolute faith in the Lord, God will give us strength and lead us to the prepared blessing of God.
3. Be a giver
Joseph's dream eventually came true. His difficulties became benefits. His identity was changed from a prisoner to Egyptian's prime minister when he translated the Pharaoh's dream. He showed no retaliation to those who harmed him. When the brothers came to him to ask for forgiveness, Joseph said, “You intended to harm me, but God intended it for good to accomplish what is now being done, the saving of many lives. So then, don't be afraid.”(Ge. 50:20-21) Similarly, we should be lifted by God and be generous for others. By overcoming every obstacle and living out God's love, we can positively influence others by becoming the man of dreams.