Towards Hope Beyond Despair
(2Ki. 4:1-7)

People in the world tend to see despair through despair and become frustrated, whereas Christians see hope through despair, moving forward with faith. As children of God, we should have absolute faith and endure hardships despite adversity.

1. Despair is the seed of hope
A wife of one of Elisha's disciples came to Elisha and asked for help. After her husband died, the woman became impoverished and in debt. Her two sons were sold as slaves as a result of her husband's massive debt, and she fell into deep despair. Throughout our lives, we face major challenges that we cannot solve on our own. We should not be frustrated but turn to God in this situation. God becomes the key to solutions when we cry out and pray hard. Then, the despair that comes to us will be transformed into the seed of hope, allowing us to bear fruits of blessings.

2. What I have
To help the woman, Elisha asked the woman what she owned. She said she had only one bowl of oil at her house. God intended to use what we have to demonstrate His miracles. The most valuable thing is our faith. Faith sees the possibility in the impossibility; it creates something out of nothing. Put your little thing with your faith when you face difficulties. God will work through your faith. By looking only at God and holding the Word of God, march forward bravely

3. Faith that creates miracles
Elisha asked the woman to borrow empty jars from her neighbors. He closed the door and asked her to pour oil into those empty jars with her two sons. She couldn’t understand, but she obeyed. When the jars were filled, the oil stopped flowing. Faith brought about a miracle. When our lives get empty, we should take ourselves before God, who can fill empty jars. With absolute faith and obedience, our problems will be solved. Our despair turns into hope. We should experience the miracles of God every day so that the peace of God will fill our hearts.