Prepare the Way for the Lord
(Lk. 3:2~6)

The 4-week before Christmas is called Advent. It is now that we must prepare for the return of Jesus. While we are becoming God's children and the man of faith, we should prepare ourselves for Jesus.

1. The word of God that came to John the Baptist
God's word was delivered to John who lived lonely in an open field. The empty field represents a solitary, lonely, and frustrating situation. In this place, John, the Baptist heard the voice of God. We, who prepare the way for Lord, should be filled the Word of God firstly. Despites solitary places, we should listen to the voice of God. And make a decision in front of that voice. When we obey God, he blesses us and enables us to become God's great man.

2. A baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins
To prepare the way for the Lord, John the Baptist allowed people to be baptized so that they could be forgiven. To meet Jesus again, we must repent of all our sins. When we humble ourselves before God and confess our sins, the grace of forgiveness will come upon us, purifying us with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. Repent and be forgiven sins before God every day. By doing so, the living water will overflow in our lives. Let us prepare the way for the Lord by meditating the Word of God, praying hard, and being filled with the Holy Spirit.

3. Preparing the way for the Lord
We must prepare the way for the Lord to meet Jesus once more. First, we must heal the deep wounds in our hearts and the valley of despair. We must not remain in the valley of our failures. Rather, we should fill that deep valley with Jesus' love. Second, we should lower the high mountains of stubbornness and arrogance. When we gain prominence, we must be cautious of hidden arrogance in our hearts. Third, we must straighten out our faith's crooked paths. It means we should correct and fix our self-centered attitude. Fourth, we should level and flatten our rough paths. Like Jesus, we should live a life of kindness and generosity toward others. We make sure that we must prepare the way for the Lord and accept the responsibility of faithfully spreading the Gospel.