A King Who Will Reign in Righteousness
(Isa. 32:1-2)

Jesus came as the King of peace and righteousness in the world full of ceaseless conflicts and tensions. When Jesus comes again, He will give his love to the humble and the poor, judging the evil. We should wait for Jesus, fixing our eyes onto Jesus with faith.

1. The Lord becomes a shelter from the storm
We encounter the powerful storm of life as we go about living our lives like barren deserts. They include the powerful winds of difficulties, trials, and illnesses that we are unable to overcome. Only Jesus can deliver us from the storms of life. God becomes the key to solutions, thus we should rely on him. Jesus becomes our secured shelter, protecting us from all kinds of strong winds.

2. The Lord becomes a refuge from the heavy shower
In the summer, torrential rains devastate numerous cities and result in immeasurable losses. In the same vein, life often brings on unexpectedly heavy showers. The world's economic crisis, conflicts, and undiscovered viruses like COVID-19 are all equated to torrential showers that cause us excruciating anguish. At this moment, Jesus, the King of peace will allow us to be safe and becomes secured shelter for us. Therefore, let us not be frustrated and fearful. When we remain in Jesus, Jesus enables us to enjoy the true peace in Him.

3. The Lord is like streams of water in the desert
The spiritual famine in our lives is the most severe. Humans are spiritual. Our minds should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. When spiritual famine takes place, our minds become very dried and causes various problems. The spiritual living water that began with Jesus should therefore be poured into our hearts. Receive the Holy Spirit's infilling. Be filled with the Holy Spirit. When the Holy Spirit, who is the spirit of Jesus, comes to us, the thirst of our lives will disappear.

4. The Lord becomes the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land
The thirsty land is like a desert, where we cannot take a comfortable rest. However, Jesus becomes the shadow of a great rock in a thirsty land. Those who are weary and burdened are invited to come to Jesus. Jesus promises to give us rest. (Mt. 11:18) When troubles and difficulties overtake you, find your rest under the shade of the cross as well as under the wings of the grace of Jesus. Get your minds at ease and live a life of victory by relying on Jesus.