Jesus Who Came As Emmanuel
(Mt. 1:23)

Jesus came to this land in the flesh to save people who were living in sin. Christmas is the happiest and most joyful day of the year because it commemorates the birth of Jesus.

1. Jesus who is with us
Jesus created humans for them to love and help each other. Even when we help each other, we feel loneliness among people, which we cannot overcome. However, Jesus is with us when we live a solitary and difficult life. When the disciples came back to Emmaus after the death of Jesus and they were frustrated, Jesus came to them and walked with them (Lk. 24:13-16). When we face the depressing courses of life, we need to depend on God. When we do so, the Lord will prepare and guide us on our way.

2. Jesus who knows all of our weaknesses
Jesus, who becomes Emmanuel, came in the form of flesh and endured a variety of trials and tribulations. As a result, Jesus understands our situations and circumstances and takes care of us. We face unexpected difficulties and hardships. In such times of hardship and despair, we must go to the Lord, who knows everything about us, and ask for help. The Lord of love has already borne all our diseases and hardships on the cross. Therefore, we must trust that the Lord is with us in any problems and difficulties and move forward boldly.

3. Jesus who is with us forever
During the life with sufferings, Jesus is with us to help us. Jesus came to this world, taught us about the Word of God, spread the Gospel, and healed the sick (Mt. 4:23). Even today, Jesus helps us realize the Word of God through the Holy Spirit and heals the illness in our bodies and minds. Like this, Jesus came to us to give us the abundant life and overflowing grace. And Jesus becomes the Good shepherd to take care of us, leading us to the best place. Therefore, we must put our trust in Jesus, the solution to our problems, in order to experience the true peace that comes from Jesus.