Do You Have a Room for Jesus
(Lk. 2:1-7)

The birth of Jesus has become the most wonderful miracle in our history, as well as a joyous event. To save people who were living with sins and frustrations, Jesus lifted our sins and was nailed to the cross. Jesus took on human flesh and came to us.

1. There is no room in the inn
Joseph went to Bethlehem to register because he was of the house and line of David. Mary was on the verge of giving birth at the time. There were no rooms available in the nearby inns. As a result, she had to give birth in the barn, laying the baby in the manger. God's son lay in the lowest place on earth, far from heaven's throne. The life of Jesus is related to lowering himself, serving others with love, and being devoted. People in the world want to reach the highest place. However, greed and avarice lead people to self-destruction. As God's children, we should strive to be like Jesus in order to live lives of humility, modesty, and service to others. Then, God will bless our lives and lift us.

2. A news that was given to the shepherds
The news of Jesus' birth was delivered to the shepherds, but they were ignored. However, they were making their best efforts, even though others despised their job. Shepherds protected the sheep from wild animals while people slept at night. Likewise, we shouldn't fall asleep spiritually. While the Apostle Paul was preaching, a young man named Eutychus fell to the ground and died. We should not sleep. (Ac. 20:9) We must be as vigilant as the shepherds who guarded the sheep at night. Through prayer, gratitude, and praise, we can spiritually awaken.

3. Our determination
As the children of God, we should make a firm determination on how to live. First, we should have Jesus-centered life. Unlike people who didn't welcome Jesus and drove Mary to the barn, we should live with Jesus-oriented life. Second, we should deliver the good news to the people in the world just as the shepherds did. Jesus becomes our salvation, life, and the hope for all humans. As a result, we must bring Jesus' love to those who are frustrated. As part of our missions, we should spread the good news of Jesus' birth throughout the world.