No One Will Be Able to Stand up against You
(Jos. 1:5-6)

Today's text is the word of God's promise to Joshua ahead of the conquest of Canaan. Now the New Year of Blessings has come. We should have a new dream and a holy vision to conquer this year with faith.

1. No one will be able to stand up against you
There were seven tribes ahead of the Israelites when they were about to conquer Canaan. At that time, God said to the people of Israel, “No one will be able to stand against you, and you will destroy them with God’s help.” No enemy can stand against us with God even if they block us and attack us. Our ability today cannot overcome the problems and difficulties that come to us. However, if God is with us, we can win all spiritual wars. Therefore, we should depend on God for our days thereby leading a victorious life.

2. I will be with you
God, who had been with Moses for 40 years in the wilderness, assured Joshua and the Israelites that he would always be with them. So, Joshua, who was about to conquer Canaan, declared to the fearful Israelites, “Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go” Nobody can oppose us because we are with God. Therefore, no matter how difficult things get, never be discouraged or afraid of any problems or difficulties. We will enter the blessed land of Canaan if we have a brave heart and trust in God, who is always with us.

3. I will never leave you nor forsake you
God promised Joshua that ‘I will never leave you nor forsake you.’ God never leaves us alone. The Lord is with us when we go on a long and rough life, sometimes when we are lonely, tired, and struggling. As a result, no matter how hard and difficult it is, we are never lonely in any desperate situation and hardship. Because God goes before us, goes with us, and not leave us. (Dt. 31:8) In the name of the Lord, I wish all of you who believe in God and rely on God to move forward with faith in the New Year of Blessings.