Be Strong and Courageous
(Jos. 1:9~11)

Today’s scripture reading was highlighted by God when God gave a message to Joshua who was about to conquer the Canaan. The prosperous New Year has already begun. We should hold the word of God given to us as Joshua did, marching forward with force to conquer the New Year 2023, which is compared to Canaan.

1. Be strong and courageous
God commanded Joshua to be brave and strong. This order was highlighted four times in Chapter 1. (Jos. 1:6, 7, 9, 18). The reason for this is that the demon causes anxiety, worry, and distress. Worries produce worries while anxiety produces anxiety. Therefore, we must protect our hearts. In no circumstances should you become frustrated or give up. Make your heart brave and courageous so you can defeat all your enemies and live a successful life.

2. Do not be terrified, do not be discouraged
God told Joshua not to be terrified or discouraged. Dread and fear were planted when Adam and Eve sinned. There was no fear before committing the sin. Their minds were filled with happiness and peace. On the contrary, after committing a sin, they hid from God due to the fear instilled by the devil. Today, fear comes to us when we confront sins and troubles. At that time, we should depend on God and march faithfully. Don’t be terrified and discouraged. God goes ahead of us, is with us, and never abandons us. (Deu. 31:8)

3. You will take possession of the promised land
God has already prepared the promised land for the people of Israel. God told them to prepare supplies in order to conquer the land (Jos. 1:10-11). The Word of God is today's spiritual food. Therefore, we must be prepared with the Word of God and prayer in order to receive spiritual blessings. We should be armed with God's power by being given strength on a daily basis. Let us meditate on God's word, devote ourselves to prayer, and be filled with the fullness of God in this New Year so that we can conquer the promised land with faith.

Senior Pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church Younghoon Lee