Cross the Jordan
(Jos. 3:7~8)

To conquer the Canaan, the Israelites had to cross the Jordan. We also have the Jordan that we must cross to conquer to move forward with faith in the New Year of Blessing.

1. Preparing to cross the Jordan
To be blessed, we should be prepared. We should be purified before God at all times. Joshua asked people to be consecrate as God would bring about miraculous things. (Jos. 3:5) Moses asked people to wash their clothes so they would be pure when the Israelites arrived in Sinai and he ascended the mountain to receive the ten commendations. (Exo. 19:10-11) Likewise, God wants us to be clean before God. Therefore, we ought to be prepared to be holy so that God can use us and enjoy the abundant blessings of God.

2. Go forward with the ark of the covenant
When the Israelites marched to conquer Jericho, the ark of the covenant was placed in front of the people. The ark of the covenant refers to the Word of God as well as the presence of God. The Israelites obeyed God for 40 years to be led by God. We should also follow God's instructions and let him lead us while we are alive. We must look for God's word and submit to his will. We will experience God's blessings when we live according to his instructions.

3. Step forward with faith
During Exodus, the Israel people crossed the Red Sea after it had separated. However, God asked them to cross the Jordan before the river was split when they moved forward to conquer the Canaan. (Jos. 3:8) The water in the river stopped flowing when the priests carrying the ark of the covenant entered it in obedience. As a result, the Israelites also crossed the river just as they walked in the land. Our Jordan represents obstacles hindering us from keeping marching in faith. We should cross our Jordan in faith, then, the river filled with various problems will be split and miracles take place. Therefore, we should keep advancing in faith to conquer this new year.

The senior pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church
Younghoon Lee