Destroy Jericho
(Jos. 6:1-5)

Jericho was an invincible and unshakable fortress city. It was surrounded by the wall, functioning as a fortress. It was one of the most old cities. Israel people had to destroy the Jericho to enter Canaan.

1. Jericho before us
Jericho's wall was double folded, making it very strong and sturdy. The Israelites felt their limits and weaknesses in the face of the colossal Jericho. We also face various Jerichos in our lives. To destroy Jericho, we must expel fear, worry, anxiety, and distress from our hearts. We cannot defeat them but we can become more than conquerors. (Rom 8: 37) So, whatever happens, we should look to God, who is all-powerful and all-loving. God will deliver us from despair and give us peace.

2. March around Jericho
The priests were blowing trumpets in front of the Israelites as they marched around Jericho. The ark and the remaining soldiers followed. The Israelites remained silent as they followed the ark. (Jos 6:10) It was God's will that forced people to look to God and pray hard in silence. Similarly, we should not listen to the world's negative words. Instead, we should listen to God's trumpet sound, God’s voice. Let us not grumble or complain in any circumstance. We will experience God's amazing grace and live a victorious life if we are fully armed with the absolutely positive faith.

3. Procliam with faith
The seventh time around, when the priests sounded the trumpet blast, Joshua commanded the people, "Shout! For the LORD has given you the city! (Jos 6:16) Soon, when the people gave a loud shout, the wall collapsed. The invincible city was destroyed by God's power and the faith of the Israelites. God continues to work with the man of faith and performs miracles. Look to Jesus, the perfector of our faith. March with complete faith in and gratitude toward God. God will bring your Jericho to an end.