Challenges and Achievements
(Jos. 14:7-9)

Our life is related to face various challenges and achieve our goals despite full of unexpected problems. We, children of God, should not fall back in spite of any challenges and should have dream a holy dream in God. To achieve the holy vision, we must overcome numerous obstacles and advance in faith.

1. Be faithful to God
The most important thing in life is to be faithful before God. Caleb was very faithful in the view of God. He was one of twelve spies and investigated the land of Canaan, reporting what he saw positively. He didn't care what the other 10 reported when they did so negatively. He wanted to please God. Likewise, we should he faithful at all times. We must be sincere, truthful, and diligent in everything we do. God will then amazingly bless us in this life.

2. Stand firm on the Word
We should always listen to God. Caleb put his trust in God with holding the Words of God strongly. He had cherished the promise of God for 45 years and waited for the promise to be achieved. Although time passes, our circumstances get tough, and things seem to be going against God's promise, we should not give up. We must move boldly in faith while holding the promised Word of God. Then, the fulfillment of God's promise is assured. (Mt. 5:18)

3. Achieve the Word by faith
Vision is related to our faith and confidence about what we dream of. Caleb had a vision of conquering the land of Canaan and he had strong confidence in that vision. He boldly asked God to give him Hebron. (Jos. 14:12) He had limits since he was 85 years old and the Anakites were the enemies. However, he eventually conquered Hebron. The holy vision enables us to go beyond frustrations. Therefore, we should learn from the story of Caleb so that we can have a holy vision and keep marching toward the vision. Whatever the difficulties are, we will get past them.