We Will Serve Only God
(Jos. 24:14-15, 21-22)

People must live their lives serving something. People in the world seek material possessions, fame, and power. However, these things cannot bring us eternal happiness. Then, what must we who believe in Jesus do in order to enjoy true joy and satisfaction in life?

1. Remove idols
Before his death, Joshua asked the Israelites to remove idols so that they could serve God only. The second commandment of the tenth commandment forbids us from creating and serving any form of idol(Ex. 20:4-5). Today, anything you love more than God, such as money, popularity, fame, power, or pride, is an idol. However, at the center of these idols is “I”. Therefore, we should put down our selfish egos before God. We can transform our lives by removing all of the idols and live a transformed life as a new person in the Lord.

2. Serve only God
Joshua proclaimed to the Israelites, “Choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve, but as for me and my household, we will serve the LORD”(Jos. 24:15). The people answered that they would never forsake the LORD to serve other gods. Likewise, we should not serve other gods but for God. Therefore, we should recognize that we are before God always and live to do God's will in order to please God. When we prioritize God, God will take care of and guide our lives.

3. Obey the word of God absolutely
The Israelites promised they only serve and worshiped the LORD before Joshua and obey His Word. On that day Joshua made a covenant for the people, and there he drew up for them decrees and laws. Similarly, we should have firm resolution to believe in God only and obey His Word. Whatever happens, we must obey God's Word, which will bring us true fulfillment and joy. When you do so, God's blessing will overflow into our lives, and we will be greatly used as God's man as the man of God.

The senior pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church
Younghoon Lee