Three Thousand Were Added
(Ac. 2:36-41)

This new year 2023 will bring great revival and blessing in our lives. The unprecedented grace will shower each of us, the family, the business, and the church. Therefore, we should equip our minds with absolutely positive faith and gratitude, embrace God’s vision and dreams, and be ready to drench into fresh waves of upcoming revival.

1. Recover the relationship with Jesus Christ
It is the pre-requisite that we should restore the relationship with Jesus Christ before partaking in God’s great blessing and revival. Sometimes, we deny Jesus with our words and actions and invite sin into our lives. Now is the time we repent of sins and be set free from them. The English word ‘Repentance’ originates from the Greek word, ‘μετ?νοια (Metanoia).’ It means to change one’s course of life and execute a 180-degree turn. Therefore, we need to order our steps leading to the path of sins and return to the way of righteousness heading for Jesus. As we humble ourselves, confess our sins before Jesus, and accept Him as the savior and Lord, God will shower us with His grace to pardon our sins and bestow His peace upon us.

2. Receive the gift of the Holy Spirit
As we repent of our sins, God should forgive us and gift us with God’s Holy Spirit. It is none other than the Holy Spirit who has initiated great revivals throughout history. The Holy Spirit ascended on Jesus’ disciples and achieved great revival at Pentecost about two thousand (2,000) years ago. As a result, three thousand (3,000) people were baptized and accepted Jesus when Peter preached (Ac. 2:41). As we can see from the above, it is only by God’s Holy Spirit that transforms our lives, revives the church, and changes the whole society. Therefore, we should seek God’s face to lead us through God’s Holy Spirit every moment. I pray you are full of God’s Holy Spirit and fulfill your God-given mission to share the gospel.

3. Revival is a sovereign work of God
It is our God who initiates and supervises the history of revival. After God’s Holy Spirit had ascended upon Jesus’ disciples, God’s grace greatly revived the Jerusalem church. The early church members served each other and positively inflicted on the whole vicinity of Jerusalem. They shared God’s words, practiced Jesus’ love to help the underprivileged people and devoted themselves to the gospel. Then, God’s church made an explosive revival, and Christians earned a godly reputation from all people. In application of this, we should endeavor our best to restore the legacy of the early church and achieve great revival. I pray that you would drench into God’s Holy Spirit, have a godly influence on society, and bring great revival. I bless you all in Jesus’ name.

The senior pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church
Younghoon Lee