They Spoke the Word of God Boldly
(Ac. 4:27-31)

The wave of God’s great revival has swept the whole world. Therefore, we are spiritually alert and ride the wave of upcoming revival. However, we should be aware that there might come hinderance totry to stop the wave of God’s revival. Hereunder, let’s examine how we, as believers of Jesus, cope with such hinderance.

1. People who disturb the work of revival
In the early days of the Apostles’ church in Acts (“the Early Apostle’s Church”), the Jewish religiousleaders such as the Priests, the Sadducees, and the Pharisees did not welcome the revival of the EarlyApostle’s Church. They took the head to persecute and imprison Jesus’ disciples. It is none other than the devil’s work to bring conflicts and separation into the church community. Therefore, we need to maintain the unity of one mind and one heart in God’s Holy Spirit. Then, God bestows His grace upon us and continues the work of His revival. I pray that you are filled with God’s Holy Spirit, earnestly seek God’s face and win all the spiritual battles.

2. The power of prayer
When the Jewish religious leaders hindered and persecuted the ministry of the Apostles, the Apostlesbecame one heart and presented their requests to God with faith. “Dear Lord, please enable us that Your servants to speak Your words with great boldness. Please stretch out Your hands on us to heal the sick, and perform miraculous signs and wonders in Your holy servant Jesus (Acts. 4:29-30).”
Suddenly, the place where Apostles were gathering was shaken. They were filled with the Holy spiritand began to speak the words of God with great boldness. In application of this, when we confront problems and tribulations, let’s cry out to God intensely, earnestly, and without ceasing. Then, we will witness God’s amazing work among us that devils are casted away and people are healed.

3. The fruit of prayer
When all the members of the Early Apostle’s Church assembled for prayer, three (3) forms of fruit ofprayer were born. First, all the believers became single minded and served one another with Jesus’ love. Second, whenever the Apostles delivered the message of God’s power, miracles and wonders followed them and numerous patients were healed. Third, as they had fellowship in God’s Holy Spirit and served the marginalized people with agape love, the Early Apostle’s Church experienced great work of revival. In application of this, as we gather to seek God’s face wholeheartedly, we will surely experience God’s revival in our time. I bless you and pray in Jesus’ name that our God molds and shapes you into great people of prayer and faith and continue to use you in a mighty way.