"Say, 'The Lord Needs It.'"
(Mk. 11:1-6)

Today is Palm Sunday, when the Passion Week commences and the last week prior to Jesus’ crucifixion. This date about two thousand (2,000) years ago, Jesus entered the city of Jerusalem in order to offer Himself as the sacrificial lamb on the cross. Yet, the astonishing news was that Jesus rode a little colt. Hereunder, let’s examine the lessons from the fact.

1. Jesus who sat on a colt
In the time of Jesus, the general public in the city usually rode the donkeys. Anyone riding the donkey belonged to the lower social status and represented poverty and humiliation. However, Jesus being the Messiah humbled himself to sat on a little colt and entered the city of Jerusalem. As we can see, Jesus came on earth as the king of humility, lived modestly and handled all matters with meekness. Even on the last night before Jesus was crucified, He had washed the feet of His disciples and set them an example of the way how to server one another (John 13:14-15). In application of this, let’s follow after Jesus’ foot-steps and equip our mind with His meekness. Our Lord has always worked with and showed Himself to those with humility and meekness.

2. The command of the Lord
When Jesus approached Jerusalem, he sent two of His disciples, “Go to the village ahead of us, and just as you enter it, you will find a colt tied there, which no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here. If anyone asks you ‘Why are you doing this?’ say, ‘The Lord needs it and will send it back here shortly.’”(Mark 11:2-3). When they obeyed Jesus’ words and went ahead, they found a colt just as He had said. Thus, we are to obey Jesus as His disciples did. Let’s listen to and obey Him even if we may encounter any problems or tribulations. Then, God’s amazing blessing will come into our lives.

3. The obedience of the owner
When the owner of the little colt heard from Jesus’ disciples “The Lord needs it,” he admitted it without any hesitations. In Jesus’ time, people made a living from the animals like donkeys. However, the owner of the colt was willing to present Jesus one of his cherished donkeys. As we can see, God is delighted to work with those who obey His will and performs His wonders through them. Therefore, what we need to do is to obey God’s words. Then, God accepts our obedience and bestows on us His overflowing blessings. As we greet this Palm Sunday, let’s humble ourselves before the Lord and obey His will to make our lives full of gratitude and praise. I bless all of you in Jesus’ name.

The senior pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church
Younghoon Lee