Peace Be With You!
(Jn. 20:19-23)

Jesus had broken the power of sin and death and resurrected. It is the greatest miracle and the most joyous and blessed event in human history. Jesus showed Himself to His disciples and proclaimed the message of hope and blessing in the very evening when He had resurrected.

1. A life that is in fear
Since Jesus had died on the cross, His disciples were fearful and agitated. Then, the resurrected Jesus came over them. Everyone in this world lives in sin and despair and is bombarded with and caged in concern and fear. However, no worldly manners can resolve the fear and pain that unexpectedly come across us. As we feel lonely from time to time, shed bitter tears and are burned out, we can approach Jesus, the hope of all humanity. Then, the Lord bestows on us His presence and rescues us from all sorts of despair.

2. Jesus who gives us peace
Jesus told His disciples who were in extreme fear, “Peace be with you” (John 20:19). Jesus’ words dispelled all their fears and filled their hearts with peace and joy. We always hear the news of wars, natural disasters and calamities, which can make us fearful. However, we can find genuine peace only in Jesus Christ amid chaos and despair. When we have the peace of Jesus, we can dispel concerns, worries and fears and fill our hearts with the joy of the Lord.

3. Jesus who gives us a mission
Jesus commissioned His disciples and told them, “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you” (John 20:21). Likewise, the Lord made us God’s children and sent us to the people bombarded with sin and despair. Just as we have been blessed with genuine peace, joy, hope and love by the grace of Jesus, we are to share the love of Jesus with the millions of marginalized in great pain. Therefore, we must be filled with the Holy Spirit to complete our missions in the above. When we fully receive the power of the Holy Spirit, we can defeat tribulations and complete our assignments from the Lord. As we celebrate this Easter, let’s equip our minds with faith in the resurrected Lord and make our lives full of God’s love and grace. I bless all of you in Jesus’ name.