Where, O Death, Is Your Sting?
(1 Corinthians 15:55-58)

Jesus Christ resolved the issues of sin and death, which none had ever done in human history. He bore our sins, died on the cross as a sacrificial lamb and was resurrected from the tomb. Thus, He freed us from sin and death.

1. The power of sin and death
The power of sin and death entered and spread in human history since Adam and Eve had sinned. Due to their disobedience and sin, death began to reign the entire human history. We feel completely at a loss about the issues of sin and death, as long as we are in the sinful nature. None can rescue us from this body of death. However, it is only through Jesus Christ who can set us free from the law of sin and death. Therefore, let’s approach and call on the name of Jesus Christ, who is the only hope of humanity. Then, the Lord will rescue us from all the curses and despairs.

2. A great victory in the Lord Jesus Christ
Jesus abolished the power of sin and death and granted great victory to us, the believers of Jesus. When we continue our life journeys, we may confront tribulations or difficulties from time to time. However, when we trust Jesus Christ who gives us His presence, we can be more than conquerors through Him. We are not deceived by the devil and lose in life, but become the greatest victor in Christ. Let’s equip our minds with absolute affirmation and gratitude and give all the glory to God who grants us a great victory.

3. The life of winner
Chapter 15 of 1 Corinthians advises us to be steadfast, unmovable and always abounding in the work of the Lord. We as God’s children are to make our lives pleasing to God and blessed by Him. Thus, we are to stand firm and be unmovable in any event. It means we believe that Jesus is within us and with us and stand firm in Him. In addition to this, we do not forget but remember that we are greater victors in Christ Jesus. Let’s do our best for the work of the Lord and be faithful to the God-given tasks. Therefore, I pray that we become faithful workers for the Lord in all our lives and be praised by God, “Well done, good and faithful servant. I bless all of you in Jesus’ name.

The senior pastor of Yoido Full Gospel Church
Younghoon Lee