A Life Like an Empty Boat
(John. 21:1-6)

Thousands of people live in pain and despair without a hint of dreams or hope in the world. Who can bring genuine hope to those bombarded with hopelessness? It is only through Jesus Christ, for He is the only hope for humanity.

1. A life like an empty boat
Anyone departing from Jesus might end up with an empty boat. Peter was one of Jesus’ best disciples, yet he cursed and disowned Jesus three times as Jesus was arrested. (Matthew 26:74-75) After this event, Peter was disappointed and developed a guilty conscience, thus returning to his old career as a fisherman, which he had been before seeing Jesus. Peter once abandoned everything to follow Jesus. However, he disowned and even cursed Him, ending up being a betrayer, and returned to his old life. As we can see, anyone abandoning Jesus, is destined to confront the difficulties of night. Therefore, let’s approach Jesus, the giver of genuine hope, as we go on our life journeys, even when we are alone and have an empty boat.

2. Jesus who comes to find the empty boat
Jesus visited Peter discouraged and lived an empty life. Then, He called out to them, "Friends, haven't you any fish?" (John 21:4-5) In application of this, the Lord asks the same question of those who leave Jesus and try to earn anything without Him in this world. Let’s remember that our lives apart from the Lord Jesus turn into empty boats and find no genuine purpose. As we do that, the Lord visits us who are in despair and bestows genuine peace on us.

3. Jesus who fills the empty boat
Peter obeyed Jesus’ words, threw his net on the right side of the ship, and was unable to draw the net for the multitude of fish. (John 21:6) In application of this, as we obey Jesus’ words, we can make our lives blessed and abundant even though we handle the same projects as usual. Therefore, please open the door of your heart, invite Jesus into it, and make Him the Lord of your empty boat. If you meet Jesus, your destiny, which once was an empty boat, will be transformed into one full of dreams and hope. I pray you will daily experience God’s goodness and grace to fill your vacant boats and share God’s blessing and agape love with the people around you. I bless all of you in Jesus’ name.